Mazafati Dates (Bam)

Embark on a sensory journey with Mazafati dates, the crowned jewels of Iran’s date palms, presented by TGT Group. Revered for colossal size, luscious amber skin, and a flavor symphony reminiscent of butterscotch and molasses, these dates encapsulate a rich history spanning over two millennia. Iran’s Kerman province, with its arid embrace, fosters the growth of these plump delicacies, creating an ideal haven. Beyond their luxurious taste, Mazafati dates offer an array of health benefits, loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Whether enjoyed fresh or dried, they emerge as a natural source of energy, ideal for breaking fasts or sustaining active lifestyles. TGT Group, a stalwart since 2004, specializes in premium products, ensuring the world gets a taste of these Iranian treasures, where every bite is a journey through time, culture, and the pure indulgence of nature’s candy.

Introduction to Mazafati Dates

Mazafati dates, also known as Bam dates, are a decadent delight from Iran. Prized for their large size, amber skin, and sweet, molasses-like flesh, these dates offer a heavenly combination of tastes and textures. With notes of butterscotch, toffee, and maple syrup, Mazafati dates are the ultimate natural candy.

Originating in the Bam region over 2,000 years ago, Mazafati dates have a rich history. Iran, a top global date producer, cultivates over 1 million metric tons annually. The Kerman province remains a hotspot for Mazafati cultivation, benefitting from ideal growing conditions—hot, dry summers and cool winters.

Mazafati dates are cherished for their soft, moist texture and nutritional richness. Packed with dietary fiber, amino acids, antioxidants, and minerals like selenium and magnesium, they offer potential health benefits, including digestive and heart health support.

Considered the King of Dates, Mazafatis are the most popular in Iran. Plump and amber-colored, they’re sweet as honey, melting in your mouth. Enjoy them fresh or dried as a snack or natural sweetener, free from preservatives. Try stuffing them with almonds or walnuts for a special treat. Used in traditional Iranian dishes, Mazafati dates add flavor to stews, rice, and yogurt.

Whether breaking a fast or fueling an active lifestyle, Mazafati dates are a natural energy source, making them a delightful and nutritious choice.


Appearance and Texture of Mazafati Dates

Known as the “King of Dates”, Mazafati dates are prized for their large size, soft flesh, and sweet flavor. These plump dates have an oblong, round shape and range in size from 4-5 centimeters in length and 2-3 centimeters in diameter, making them significantly larger than many other date varieties.

The skin is wrinkled, thick, and amber to dark brown in color when ripe. Underneath the chewy skin, the flesh is a golden amber hue and has a soft, almost spongy texture, unlike some dates that are dry and firm. When fresh, the flesh is so soft and moist that it practically melts in your mouth with just a small amount of pressure. As Mazafati dates dry, the flesh becomes gradually firmer but still retains a soft, smooth consistency compared to other dried dates.

The flesh clings tightly to the pit, often making it challenging to fully remove the pit without damaging the date. But despite the sticky flesh, the skin has a leathery texture that helps the dates hold their shape when packaged, shipped, and stored. Overall, the large size, sticky flesh, and wrinkled skin give Mazafati dates a unique appearance and texture that distinguishes them from other date varieties.

Taste and Flavor

Mazafati dates are prized for their incredible richness of flavor. They have an intensely sweet, caramel-like taste that is balanced by a subtle touch of nuttiness and a soft, chewy texture. Compared to other date varieties, Mazafatis are darker in color and larger in size, and their flesh has a luscious softness that practically melts in your mouth when ripe.

When fresh, Mazafati dates have a crisp, honey-infused flavor. As they mature and dry, they develop a concentrated sweetness with deeper molasses and toffee notes. The flavor showcases the fruit’s natural sugars at their finest. Each bite unravels layers of complexity, transitioning from the initial hit of sweet caramel to a decadent, syrupy finish. For this reason, Mazafati dates are often referred to as the “candy date” among date connoisseurs around the world. Whether enjoyed fresh off the palm or dried to a delicious stickiness, these Iranian dates offer an unrivaled gourmet eating experience. Their remarkable richness and smooth, creamy flesh make them ideal for snacking and incorporating into countless dessert recipes.


Cultivation and Harvesting

Mazafati dates, often referred to as the “king of dates”, originate from the Mazafati palm which is native to the Bam province of Kerman, Iran. This semi-dry date is cultivated extensively in this region due to its ideal hot, dry climate and sandy, alkaline soil.

Mazafati date palms take 4-8 years after planting to begin fruiting. They grow best in orchards under irrigation as each tree requires substantial amounts of water. Mature trees reach up to 25 meters in height and can live for over 100 years. The palms produce fruit in large clusters that can weigh up to 20 kilograms.

Harvesting of Mazafati dates takes place during the summer months. The clusters are cut from the trees when the dates reach the tamr stage, when they are fully ripe and have a dark brown-red color. The dates need to remain on the palm until this stage for optimal flavor and texture. Farmers carefully lower the heavy clusters using ropes to prevent any damage. The dates are then packed and shipped around the world for eager consumers to enjoy.


Health benefits of Mazafati Dates

Mazafati dates, renowned for their rich flavor, offer an impressive array of health benefits:

  • Antioxidant Power: Packed with polyphenols and carotenoids, Mazafati dates combat free radicals, reducing inflammation and the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Heart Health Support: High potassium content lowers blood pressure, while magnesium maintains heart rhythm and muscle function, promoting cardiovascular well-being.
  • Digestive Harmony: Mazafati dates’ soluble fiber aids digestion, relieving occasional constipation and diarrhea.
  • Bone Strength: Vitamin K, calcium, magnesium, and manganese in dates contribute to robust bone structure, potentially preventing osteoporosis.
  • Immunity Boost: Providing vitamins A and B6, Mazafati dates strengthen the immune system, supported by their antioxidant properties.
  • Brain Function: Natural sugars, including glucose, support concentration and memory, while potassium aids mental focus and nerve transmission.


These benefits make Mazafati dates a smart choice for overall wellness, offering nutrients that support heart, digestive, bone, immune, and brain health.

Mazafati dates, with their soft, chewy texture, are a nutritional treasure:

  • Mineral Boost: Loaded with potassium, magnesium, and copper, they regulate blood pressure, enhance bone strength, and improve nerve signaling.
  • B Vitamins: Mazafati dates provide folate and niacin for cell growth and metabolism.
  • Natural Sugars: Glucose, fructose, and sucrose offer an energy lift without processed sugar crashes.
  • Antioxidants: Flavonoids in Mazafati dates prevent cell damage and reduce inflammation.
  • Fiber Goodness: Promoting regularity, Mazafati dates aid weight management and satiety.
  • Iron Source: Essential for red blood cell production, preventing anemia.

Delightfully sweet, Mazafati dates can be enjoyed as snacks, stuffed treats, blended into smoothies, or used as natural sweeteners. However you indulge, your body and taste buds will thank you for these decadent dates.


Food Pairings

Mazafati dates pair wonderfully with a variety of foods and beverages that complement their rich, caramel-like sweetness. Their sticky, chewy texture also lends itself well to certain combinations.

  • Cheeses: The sweetness of Mazafati dates balances nicely with salty, creamy cheeses like goat cheese, blue cheese, brie, or aged gouda. The contrast of flavors is heightened when the dates are stuffed with cheese or served alongside a cheese board.
  • Nuts: Chopped nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pistachios add crunch and texture when paired with soft, plump dates. The nuttiness also accentuates the caramel notes of the dates.
  • Yogurt or ice cream: The creaminess and tang of plain yogurt or ice cream is a classic partner for Mazafati dates. Their sweetness cuts through the tartness, and they add an interesting texture when chopped and swirled in.
  • Oatmeal or granola: Chopped dates mixed into oatmeal or sprinkled on yogurt parfaits and granola add natural sweetness and moisture. Their stickiness also binds the ingredients together.
  • Baked goods: Mazafati dates work wonderfully in fruit cakes, cookies, muffins, and quick breads, lending moisture and sweet flavor to batters and doughs. They hold their shape when baked and provide bursts of sweetness.
  • Charcuterie boards**: Alongside cured meats, cheeses, nuts, and fruits, Mazafati dates add a touch of natural sweetness and visual appeal to charcuterie boards. Their ability to pair well with savory makes them a perfect addition.
  • Dark chocolate: Few flavors complement each other as well as dates and dark chocolate. The bittersweet, cocoa notes of dark chocolate balance the sticky sweetness of the dates for a match made in heaven.
  • Tea or coffee: Soft, plump dates are an excellent accompaniment to tea, providing a touch of natural sweetness. Their caramel notes also pair well with the bitterness of black coffee or espresso.

So in summary, the rich sweetness and sticky texture of Mazafati dates make them highly versatile ingredients when paired thoughtfully with contrasting flavors and textures. Their natural sugars cut through salty and bitter foods beautifully.


About TGT Group

TGT Group is a prominent player in the food industry, specializing in the production of a wide range of high-quality food products, including pistachios, palm dates, and saffron. Our journey began in 2004 when we first entered the market, driven by a passion for sales and marketing and a commitment to forging genuine, lasting connections with our customers.

From the very start, our dedication to excellence and customer satisfaction propelled us to achieve remarkable sales across diverse industries. Drawing upon years of experience and expertise, we made the strategic decision to establish an independent entity known as TGT.

Our initial focus was on bulk sales of these premium products, and through the delivery of top-notch pistachios, the finest palm dates, and the most exquisite saffron to esteemed customers in China, Malaysia, Iraq, Oman, United Arab Emirates, India, Italy, Sweden, Belgium, Turkey, and Turkmenistan, we cultivated extensive and mutually beneficial business partnerships.

TGT Group takes pride in its reputation for delivering these exceptional nuts and spices. Our history is one of passion, expertise, integrity, and service excellence in providing the highest quality food products.



Indulge in the decadent world of Mazafati dates, a heavenly fusion of taste and texture from Iran. These amber treasures, with notes of butterscotch and molasses, boast a rich history dating back over 2,000 years. Renowned as the King of Dates, Mazafatis offer not only a delightful treat but also a nutritional powerhouse, supporting heart, bone, and immune health. Cultivated in Iran’s Kerman province TGT Group brings these natural candies to the world. Whether enjoyed fresh, dried, or in various pairings, Mazafati dates from TGT Group promise a delectable journey through flavor, tradition, and well-being. you can Buy Mazafati Dates in bulk from TGT group using WhatsApp or contact us page.

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